We are a Mixed Billing practice. The doctors may charge a fee for the professional services they provide. Our doctors are independent practitioners who are responsible for charging their own fees. Please check with reception at the time of booking.
PLEASE NOTE: Phone Consults are Private Billed

How Medicare works:
Medicare is a public health insurance scheme. It provides rebates (support payments) to you when you access eligible health services. However, it may not cover the total cost of the health service. If you are ‘bulkbilled’, the doctor accepts the Medicare rebate as full payment for the service. If you are ‘privately’ billed, you pay the GP’s fee in full. You will then receive the rebate into your bank account, reimbursing you part of the fee you paid.

The reality is that Medicare rebates do not cover the cost of providing you with a safe and high-quality service. This is because the rate at which successive governments have indexed the Medicare Schedule fees has been substantially lower than increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and average weekly earnings. The fees charged by this practice have to cover all of our practice costs including employing receptionists and practice nurses, and meeting our operating expenses such as rent, medical equipment, electricity, computers and insurance.
Past freezing and cutting of Medicare rebates has essentially devalued your GP and put huge financial pressures on your General Practice.

We bulk bill Pensioners, DVA, HCC holders and children aged 15 years and under.

Services which are generally bulk-billed include:

  • Childhood immunisations
  • Chronic disease management plans
  • Annual Health assessments (75 years and over)
  • Home Medication Management reviews
  • Annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Checks for all age groups
  • 45-49 year-old health checks for patients at-risk of chronic disease

Bulk Billing is also available, at the doctor’s discretion, to any patient who is experiencing financial difficulty. Please discuss this with your doctor at the time of your consultation, and not with our reception staff at the conclusion of your visit.

For private billings you get your rebate back from Medicare, instantly through Easyclaim.
PLEASE NOTE: Your bank details need to be up to date with Medicare.

We have EFTPOS facilities and accept Mastercard and Visa.